Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stalling, Stepping, Moving!!!!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't written since July and moreover I can't even begin to imagine where the time went! Life has been crazy - good & bad.

As far as the weight loss, those "steps" have been slow -- almost at a complete stall but I did finally see the Doc. (well his PA) for my 6 month post-op visit (except it was at 7 months). She assured me that everything I have been experiencing is 100% normal, that a 70lb. loss was exactly where they'd want me to be and that I might want to kick in some more protein and even think about doing the pre-op diet again (that's pretty much slim fast/1100 calorie a day diet). Apparently around the 6-7 month mark the hormones start to come back that make you hungry more often (normal!) so you're body is more or less going back to what you were used to and so you eat more, hence not losing as quickly. Since the appointment I have lost a few lbs. here & there and I'm soooo close to the 80lb. mark (my biggest goal as of yet). It's still very hard for me to see on myself although I do in my face and obviously in clothes, I'm down about 3 shirt sizes and 2 pants sizes. I was disappointed with wedding pictures but I think an obese person will always see themselves as such.

That pretty much was the perfect segue into the other "steps" since July!!! We got MARRIED!! The planning was so much easier than I thought (feared) because we kept it very intimate. OK, rewind a bit more first. July 28th -- some amazing people in my life (Gayle, Katie, Karly, Sarah,Jen & Chelly) threw me a Shower/Bachelorette night at Katie's house, it was beautiful, perfect, everything I could have wished for!!! So many special friends & family were there to celebrate me and Paul & my upcoming nuptials. I was in awe of the amazing things & words used to portray me as a person or friend, I guess I'm not so bad after all -- hehe. I was showered with gifts & love and it was the perfect evening!!! The next weekend my Aunt Pam and dear friend
, Amy threw me a bridal tea/luncheon. It was perfect! My cousins, sisters and best friend were all there to share a delicious lunch and once again celebrate mine & Paul's love! The boys went out that night to celebrate with Paul :)

I was so excited leading up to August 18th - the day I'd marry the love of my life. I stressed a lot that last week, mourned my Mom something awful and had a big, not happy surprise -- my job was eliminate, yep -- literally 2 days before the happiest day of my life I was given my "walking papers". I have to admit amongst the fear of being without a job I felt a sense of peace. I loved the people I worked with and having stability, a place away from home to go to daily but I knew the position wasn't necessarily needed and that in the almost 2 years there I was loosing a lot of my skills & knowledge. I left with my head held high and just looked forward to the next few days. Friday, Gayle, Jen and I spent the day being pampered courtesy of my Aunt Jamie. We had a wonderful lunch, and mani/pedis. That evening we were joined by more and had a wonderful dinner. Paul went to spend the night at Dad's because he didn't want to see me until I walked "down the aisle" and Gayle spent the night with me. We had fun getting the "wedding favors" together, giggling and talking and then of course she fell asleep on me lol. Saturday we woke up both very excited. We packed up what was left of my stuff to get ready and head to the Mariott Hotel at the shops of legacy where my amazing family (Aunt Pam, Uncle Glen, Katie, Karly, Jason & Bryce) had reserved a room for us to come to after the wedding. It was perfect and Gayle & I had so much fun getting ready together. A few hours to go and it started raining so we headed to Sam & Amber's house so I wouldn't ruin my hair and to put the final touches on the house for the wedding and on ME!!! It was perfect!!! My brother built the most gorgeous Chuppah for Paul, me and the Rabbi to stand under, he also had adorned the banister above it with 4 ivory roses & 1 red rose which he later found out is exactly how I had ordered my bouquet, the 4 ivory roses to represent the memory of my grandparents and the red rose to honor & remember my Mom!!!! It was perfect!!! Gayle & I finished getting ready in the back as the guests started to arrive. I truly felt like a Princess and loved every minute. We took some pictures of Paul & I on either side of the door but not able to see one another and I loved my nephews all dressed in matching outfits to walk in front of Dad & I. Finally it was time (and then my nerves started lol). Dad walked me down the man-made aisle to Pacabel's Cannon in D minor and I stood under the Chuppah facing the man of my dreams. It was a beautiful and fast ceremony ending in Paul breaking the glass and everyone yelling mazel tov!!! My most favorite part was the exchanging of the rings, we picked the wording to say, beloved and my friend...because we are best friends! It was the perfect night, eating, drinking, talking with all of our favorites! We shared "our dance" and I danced with Dad -- that's when the crying started but as Dad so well he quickly made me laugh and it was just perfect. The night ended and Paul & I went to the hotel where we were greeted with champagne & chocolate covered strawberries -- it was perfect!!! We talked and laughed and...fell asleep (lol).

So, I guess I have taken many steps in the last months and just needed to put this laptop on to get the words out.

There are some steps coming upon us way too quickly that I'm terrified of but will take as I have everyday in the almost year since losing my Mom, one foot at a time. October 31st will mark 1 year since the worst day of my life, I'm trying so hard not to think about it but it's looming in the air. All I know is that there are angels among us and she's one of them that will envelope us on that day to make it a little easier.

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