Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bathing Suit Weather...

Well folks, it's that dreaded time of year, time to put on our bathing suits and show the world what we attempt to hide underneath our clothes the rest of the seasons. I put my suit on Sunday afternoon for the first time since last year and it's too big in certain areas and lays just perfect in others (as opposed to being tight)!!! I still have a long way to go and trust me, I have no fantasy misconceptions that I'll ever feel or look 100% good in a bathing suit but adding a little bit of confidence when wearing it is a great feeling!!!

I am finally getting my back issues taken care of and since my lumbar spine epidural on May 11, 2012, I haven't suffered from any muscle spasms! I have been able to start exercising, although I won't say it's daily; I may be losing weight but it's unfortunately not taking my laziness with it. The plan is to start using the apartment pool as often as possible. The resistance from walking/jogging/swimming is the best for me and it'll keep me cool at the same time. I'm making a promise to myself to start this week and go no less than 4 days a week. I've been blessed (or cursed) since surgery that I'm able to eat anything and not get sick, including sweets. Sure, I eat like a rabbit but I haven't been shy when wanting to indulge a bit. I haven't had like cake/cupcakes, etc. but a cookie or a bit of ice cream here and there is amazing. Bread seems to be the only thing that just fills me up way too quick so I am trying to stay away from it. It's so crazy remembering when I could eat a 1/2 a pizza and now I can barely consume 2 small pieces. I don't find myself truly missing anything, well soda -- just the fizz at times I'd love one, or a cold beer on these horribly hot Texas days but I'm not doing it.

The hardest thing for me right now is hair loss! I'm not sure it's noticeable to others as much as me because it's long but I can tell when I run my fingers through and in the shower. I'm trying to use repairing shampoo and wash less as well as comb instead of brush and lots of biotin on top of my daily vitamins. I have very fine hair as it is and constant new growth so I'm not freaking about going bald or anything like that anytime soon, just trying to keep the strength of what I have.

Hearing compliments, especially from those I haven't seen in a while, gives me such confidence and fuel to keep pushing and staying on the right track. It'd be very easy to start sodas, etc. and stretch my tummy back out but I'll be damned if I'll let that happen.

With my wedding fast approaching I'm going to put myself on a stricter regimen so that I feel amazing walking towards my love that day!

It's so weird to imagine that 4 months ago I was on pure liquids, crying nightly as Paul gave me shots for 10 nights and offered me more broth, I thought I'd never make it and just wanted to undo it all so bad, I barely remember those days now! I still enjoy what I eat 100% and I love that if we go out I can eat my leftovers for 3 more meals :) I still have a long way to go but I'm getting there. I think I had hoped for faster and larger results but I think 62 lbs. in 4 months is pretty damn good and probably a lot more healthy than tons more; still -- HERE'S TO TONS MORE!!!!!!

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