Monday, March 12, 2012

Food, glorious food!

I thought the day would never come, but as of 3/4/2012, I have eaten REAL FOOD. I mean, sure I have eaten real food since surgery but I'm not on any liquid, soft food only restrictions anymore!! While eating whatever I want sounds amazing, taking 5-10 bites at most and getting full isn't so fun. I wish my generation hadn't have grown up in a "finish everything on your plate" society.

I've certainly learned when I feel full to stop and don't push myself for even one more bite unless I desire to be in pain and I certainly do not!! I allowed myself this first week of foods to eat pretty much whatever I wanted so I've basically covered all of my cravings from the 8 weeks prior. So far the only thing that seems to not go down as well is bread, it just sits longer and then I'm full and in discomfort so I'm staying away from it.

I've been a little discouraged with the lack of weight loss the last few weeks even though the Doctor says it's quite common to lose very little or nothing at all in the 2-6 week mark. I'm at a 40 lb. weight loss since Jan. 9th so I guess I can't complain but I feel like I want to see larger numbers and notice more when I look in the mirror, then again, I'm not sure I'll notice. Others can see my face is thinner and I can certainly feel it in my clothes but I'm ready for it to just keep falling off!!!

It's funny how I have dreams and I'm eating something and then freak out because it's not a liquid or soft food and then I wake up and I'm like, wow -- I had surgery 7 weeks ago!!! After 6 months of preparation and hope prior, it's still very surreal that it's over and my new life has truly begun.

The hardest part for me is the not being able to drink 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after a meal, I find myself reaching for water instead of food just because I'd rather have it but I know I need the nutrition in the food as well. Protein still seems to be my only issue, I can't stand most of the shakes so I'm not getting the absolute most amount I should be but I'm trying.

I was cleared for all excercising as well when I stopped having food restrictions but I pulled my back out the same day so I'm waiting an extra week - 2 to do more than walk.

Overall, I'm doing great, no pain from surgery, not set-backs, I don't really miss anything now that I can eat what I want and luckily I haven't experienced any adverse reactions to anything I've consumed. WAIT -- I miss soda :) I wasn't a huge soda drinker before but I'd give anything for a Dr. Pepper :)

I'd say even more than the loss of the 40 lbs., what I love the most is sitting and eating meals with Paul again!!!

Hopefully the next time I blog I'll have lost at least 50 :)

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