Sunday, March 25, 2012

Feeling Great!

It's been 2 months since my surgery and I feel great!!! I've been a bit discouraged, just because of my own mind. I guess I wanted to see larger numbers (loss) faster but in reality, having lost 45 lbs. since Jan. 9 (almost 3 months) isn't anything to cry about!!

People that don't see me as often definitely voice that they see a difference, myself and Paul don't see it as much visually (unless comparing to other pics, etc.) but I do feel it in my clothes and I'm wearing some that were too tight or had shrunk, etc.

I have eaten pretty much everything I've ever eaten before, of course in much much much smaller portions, and so far (knock on wood) I haven't experienced any adverse affects. I enjoy everything I eat and I'm OK when I'm full. I've noticed that my body tells me when I've had enough, I usually feel full and burp once and then have a bite or 2 more and then I hiccup, either one big one or continuous and I know to stop. Since the 6 week mark of eating pretty much whatever I want I have only experienced pain once and it was very minor and from bread.

Originally the nutritionist had said to just make sure to take a B12 vitamin once a week but after reading the label and asking around I'm taking it daily and it definitely helps with energy.

I haven't really started an exercise regimen because I pulled out my back but that is the plan for this week. I know this sounds corny but I have like 5 Richard Simmons VHS' and I'm starting with those. I love the music, I love that it's not all skinny-mini people working out with you and I can do it in my own home!!!

I'm so motivated to lose the next 5 lbs. and say I've lost 50 so I'm hoping it will be only a week or so :)

All-in-all, this has been such an amazing ride and I can't even believe how far I've come. I remember crying to Paul the first few weeks when I was on liquids and just knew there wasn't an end in sight but there end to liquids but not to my new life!!!!

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