Friday, February 3, 2012

So worth it!!!

2 week post-op visit today certainly helped me to put things into perspective and that even though 3 weeks of pure liquids is the hardest thing EVER, it's totally worth it.

I started my 2 week pre-op diet on January 9, 2011, as of today, February 3, 2012, I have lost 30 lbs.!!!!!!! This just shows me that I can do this, I am stronger than I thought and that I'll never eat chicken broth again in my life after Feb. 13th!!!!

At this point I'm so excited that I want to be like a patient liaison, I just want to tell everyone that they can do it, that the pain isn't that bad (if I can do it without pain meds, anyone can!), that the down-time and even the liquids is so worth it and I've only lost 30, that's nothing compared to my goal.

One of these days when I'm past the embarrassment stage I'll list what my starting weight was and then everyone will get a more real grasp on what I'm doing but for now just assume what you will.

I am so thankful for my family, for so many that contributed to helping me pay my deductible and out-of-pocket expenses, to Paul for putting up with me daily, to Mom for continuing to watch over me and feed me her strength and to ME, for doing it!!!!!


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