Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday - 5 daysve done

I figure it's a good time to blog post-op :) It's Friday and I had surgery Monday morning. Monday seemed like a total breeze (thank you morphine pump). I had some tears and fears as the anesthesiologist came in to start my "relaxing" meds, mostly just because I couldn't believe it was finally happening and also that my Mom wasn't physically in the room with me but I sucked it up and took the ride into the surgery room. I remember some prep and then being told, "we're gonna take good care of you Shelby, see you when you wake up."

Next I know I'm awake in recovery with a sweet nurse saying that everything went great. I think I asked what time it was and realized it was much earlier than expected. They had told Paul & my family it would be about 5 hours until I was taken to a room and they could see me, at this point it may have been 3 hours at most. I know I felt sore and pressure but nothing overwhelming as they rolled me into my room and Paul was there to meet me. He said that Dr. Nick said I did great, my liver looked amazing (that was a huge worry because if your liver is too large you get closed up and have to start all over, even with $$).

Within about 10 minutes of being in my room I had to use the restroom and asked to walk, the nurse was in shock. She said they wouldn't ask me for at least an hour was I sure and I was like hell yeah, I'm getting out of here as fast as possible!!!

It was so nice to get so many visitors too, especially Miles & Banner -- my nephews give me such strength and love, even at Banner's age when he isn't aware, just seeing his precious face calms me in amazing ways. Of course all of my family and friends do the same so seeing all that came by was such a special burst of health and strength!!!

I couldn't possibly go on without mentioning the one person whom I could not possibly have done a single bit of this without, the love of my life, Paul!!! How lucky am I to have the most caring, calming, patient, loving fiance!!! He was there for every restroom need (let me tell you, it's a lot with all those IV fluids) throughout the entire night as he has been every day since. I truly believe Mom gave him her shoes to be my nurse and I love him so much more everyday!!!

There was a board of all patients on the floor and next to our names was usually a green or red circle which we realized represented how we were doing and if we were going home, of the 10+ patients, I was the only one with a gold star (go me!!) every time I'd walk every nurse at the nurse's station would say, "Wow, look at her go you're doing so amazing, our best patient!" It felt good and of course kept my motivated.

I was released Tuesday morning and it felt so good to get into my own bed, even though it was hard to get in and out. Paul got all of my meds and unfortunately the first round of even anti-nausea came right back up, that DOES NOT feel good when you've been cut on your tummy!!!! They called me in a 2nd type of anti-nausea medication right away and that did stay down but the pain medicine did not!! Because I hate throwing up so much I pretty much just didn't take anything. The next morning Paul had to go for a final interview/job offer so Aunt Robin came over, she was able to help me keep down 1 dose of meds which helped me sleep a few hours but that evening it didn't happen so easily and unfortunately I threw up some blood as well. My BFF, Jen, was here and call Dr. Nick immediately. I spoke to him and he wasn't worried about the blood or the amount but said to stop the pain meds. He suggest just children's Tylenol because I told him I was suffering my pressure and soreness than pain. He did say he'd call me in something else if necessary but I'd rather not tempt the vomit Gods so I'm doing this sans pain meds!!!

I've been sleeping pretty well at night, even able to get on my sides and tummy now but I have noticed that I'm sweating profusely, but when I remove the blankets I'm freezing, I'm sure it's all the meds still in my system. Oh, not that anyone wants to know but it'd only be my luck that I also get a visit from Aunt Flo the week I have surgery!!! Another side not everyone wants to read, I have had 2 bowel movements and for anyone that's had surgery, that's huge in the first week, especially being that they haven't caused any pain!!!

I am feeling numbness in my left thigh which worries me because of my disc/back issues but I do think it's because I'm literally on my back constantly, it's not pain just weird so hopefully I'm just hitting a nerve and I'll walk it out soon. Paul is great at making sure we "lap the apartment" several times a day, it's pretty humorous to see us in a train (Winnie likes to follow) as we walk through the kitchen, living room and bedroom of about 800 sq. ft. but I'm getting it done!!

My Sarah Bear and Bestie spent most of Thursday with me and although laughing hurts like hell it is the best medicine and I'm so grateful for them because it felt normal.

I'm really trying to stay awake throughout the days so that I can sleep through the nights. I was able to hold down about 8 oz. of soup and 1 and a half Popsicles Thursday so I'm hoping to do more today. I know that I'm not taking in anywhere near the amount of fluids but it's OK the first week but I'm trying to push myself. At this point I can't imagine that I'm going back to work in a week but each day is different so we'll see.

So, there you have it, post-op 5th day. Can you believe I finally made the step??? I still dream about having it every night and then I wake up to pressure and I'm like, duh I had it!!!! It's going to be a rough few months but I know it'll be so worth it on the other's to the other end getting here fast!!!!!!!!!


  1. Shelby, I am so happy for you. It sounds like you are recovering nicely. Did they tell you how much weight you can expect to lose and within how many months? Cindy

  2. I am so proud of you, Shelby! You're doing such a great job handling everything - the physical part, the emotional part, etc. I know your mom is so proud of you, too! I love you!
