Sunday, February 12, 2012

Post-op 21 days!!!

I did it!!! It took more strength than I thought I had, but I made it passed liquids!!!

I have to admit that this past week on liquids truly took a toll on my mental health. I was very depressed, quiet & tired. I went back to work on Monday but only worked 1/2 the week. I was so sore & tired that I decided I needed to allow myself more time to truly acclimate to getting out, also I knew that once on soft foods and vitamins I'd have the energy to truly make it through an 8 hour day sitting at a desk.

I despise grocery shopping, hate, hate, hate it -- especially with Paul!! He's so organized and does it in sections, I just start at one end and get until I'm at the other end. Yesterday, however, I was like a kid in a candy store! I didn't have an organized plan other than my list and luckily he was on a business call so I just flung things in as we walked -- it was so much fun!!!!

I learned for the first time what it feels like to eat too much last night, I had 1-2 too many spoons full of cream of mushroom soup. It's not the same feeling as over eating before, it's hard to explain but it's a not fun feeling of pressure under the chest, it dissipates in time (burping helps).

Today I woke up excited to know that I could eat soft foods of course I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat at first. I grabbed a string cheese as I left the house to go catch some giggle time with Banner. Paul was all worried about me eating for the first time and made sure that I'd call him if I was nauseous or anything. I ate the cheese slow, careful to chew each bite fully before swallowing. It was sooo good!!!! The hard part was the not being able to drink 30 min. before and after, especially because since surgery my mouth has been so unbelievably dry. I didn't eat too much and it felt so good, almost like a burst of energy.

A few hours later I attempted some greek yogurt -- ya, not a fan!!! Quickly trashed that and the idea and grabbed a sugar-free pudding!!! I was able to slowly eat the entire cup and feel full but not painfully, it was such a strange feeling but I love it!!!

I lost another 7 lbs. this week so since Jan. 9th I've lost just a few pounds shy of 40. I am starting to see/feel it but I think it'll continue being the hardest for me to notice on myself.

Here's to 3 weeks on soft foods and March 4th being whatever I want and learning completely this new life.

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