Friday, December 16, 2011

There's no denying...

I got approved for insurance to cover 85% of my surgery!!!! I was always pretty confident I would but the day it was actually submitted the evil Shelby on my left shoulder began whispering worries in my ear, thank goodness I was able to knock her off within a week.

As of today, my tentative surgery date is January 23, 2012, I see the surgeon next week and will make sure this is a good day for all involved :)

I'm so excited and yet not gonna lie, terrified too. For one, it's surgery, although less invasive than most it's still cutting on my body and removing parts. I'm most fearful of the 3 weeks following surgery where I'll have to get used to sipping liquids and living on soup and protein drinks but I know those are the crucial weeks so I'm ready to hit it head on.

The negative -- I wasn't able to have surgery during 2011 where I had met my deductible and out-of-pocket maximums so I am having to figure out how to get that money by the time I have surgery. Some may find it horribly ignorant but I swallowed my pride and email selected family & friends telling my situation and more or less asking for donations. I have had a handfull of beautiful responses and a few hundred should be coming my way soon. I have to have $2125.00 to pay the hospital so hopefully it will all come my way somehow :)

For now, I remain confident that I'll have the money paid and move forward with a new lifestyle by the end of next month!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Try telling the surgeon that if he can find time to do it this year it will be paid at 100%. Talk to his office manager and explain the situation and see if u can get on a cancelation list as well.
