Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wanna learn with me?!?!?

Some of the things I'm learning in the nutrition classes seem like...DUH!!! Yet, they are things I know most of us don't do!!! Learn with me :)

  • Use the "20 minute rule": take small bites, chew them fully, put down your utensils between bites, pause after swallowing.
  • Be the last one finished eating. (Paul grew up in Europe and they take their time enjoying their meals, I have kinda taken it like a challenge to make sure I'm still eating after he's done, not an easy feat!)
  • Avoid bending over your plate while eating. Bring your food to your mouth, not your mouth to your food.
  • Use smaller plates, bowls and utensils. We are taught to "finish everything on our plates", if the plate is smaller, likely so is the portion.
These really may seem like easy and even mundane things but I can honestly say that just becoming AWARE makes a difference. Surgery is going to obviously help me lose the weight but it's up to ME to lose & change my lifestyle!!!

My dearest friend had the same surgery September 12th, it's been exciting, scary, eye-opening, more scary, etc. to see her process so far. I think that overall it is helping because even when she shares with me regrets or talks about the pain and how much she misses a full meal or gets nauseous thinking of eating soup again in her lifetime, it makes me think and re-think my choice to move forward. Sure, I want to just say NOPE -- not gonna do it, not going to see her small regrets and then put those on myself but then I think, YES YOU ARE!!! I want to have the pain, the regret, the missing of certain foods or a certain amount allowed to eat, I want to learn how to live a lifestyle that makes me more conscious of food and diet as a necessity and not a luxury. Your stomach is like a balloon, it can grow right back so while surgery may seem like an easy "quick-fix", it's up to ME, to change my life and I'm ready for the challenge!!!!

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