Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sleep Study take 2 cont'd.

I walked into the Sleep Study location at 9PM just like the Friday night before, I told the tech. this feels like my new weekend getaway. Same bedroom, same bomb squad, same wire hook-up process with the addition of learning about a c-pap machine and choosing which face piece would be best for me. The mask just looked very overwhelming, I was afraid I'd get claustrophobic, they have a contraption that I'd equate most to the plastic that swimmers wear around their face/head to hold their noses closed, I thought this seemed ideal, it'd just lay against my nostrils but nothing too terrifying. They had to get the extra small because my nose & nostrils are so extra small lol. Being all hooked up I got into bed and started with this piece laying into my nostrils, immediately I felt smothered by the amount of oxygen going directly in my nose (there really wasn't much being pumped in at all). The idea is to keep the passage ways open but all breathing to be done in and out of your nose while your mouth stays closed at night. With this smaller contraption I felt like I was swallowing huge amounts of air and therefore I needed to open my mouth. The tech said that the mask might actually be better due to the size of my nose, he oxygen is still taken in the same way, you still breath completely in and out of your nose but the air isn't pushed so heavily into your nostrils, it actually felt much better and the way it laid on my upper lip just made it easier not to open my mouth. I fell asleep pretty easily and when I woke up felt pretty refreshed and awake, problem -- I only slept 3 hours, it was 1:45AM!!! I found that unlike the week before my back and neck were hurting so bad not sleeping on my stomach, as well as all the adhesive for the wires was itching all over. Jason, the technician came in after about 30-45 minutes and said you can try sleeping on your side, whatever makes you comfortable enough to fall back asleep. I tried for a bit longer than asked to use the restroom. When he came in to unhook everything he said he'd put a movie on when I was done, leave the mask off until I seem to be falling asleep again. With a selection of about 30 DVDs, I kid you not the best option for 3AM was Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I watched it for a good 30 minutes and then he came in and said it's obvious you're not going to fall back asleep, let's get everything unhooked. He said that the 3 hours I did sleep I did great, I don't think I stopped breathing and if so nothing like the week before, his only concern was that I never got to REM sleep (the deepest sleep where you actually dream), but he said I never did the Friday before either. He was pretty confident he got what's needed for the doctor's to know my needed oxygen levels post-op. I drove home about 4AM and slept a good few hours and then woke up to shower and attempt to get all the adhesive and paste out of my hair and off my body.

I was sleepy most of the day and I'm exhausted today which seems odd to me because he said I never reached REM sleep but at home all I feel like I do is dream so I'm obviously getting there it's just not continuous???? So, now I feel a bit justified in always feeling tired but I also wonder if the weight loss alone will take the sleep apnea away??? Also, do I think I can honestly sleep at home with a c-pap machine????

In addition, being aware of how often I stop breathing in my sleep made me have a very sleepless week, I was afraid to stop breathing, go figure, I've obviously been doing this for a long time but now that I know I'm scared.

Thursday night added some fear and questioning to my surgery choice. Jen (my best friend that had the surgery in Sept.) had been feeling pain since surgery but this week had
gotten much worse and by Thursday evening she asked if I'd take her to the ER. Sitting there seeing her in that much pain made me think twice, OK, like fifty times about having the surgery. Not just seeing her in pain but seeing that she could only take the smallest of sips on the contrast needed before her CAT SCAN, etc. Finally, after several hours it was found to be nothing, nothing visual that is, she was clearly in a great deal of pain! I still feel lucky to have been able to see her through her surgery prior to mine, I feel like I might have a better handle on what I'm up against. Luckily, she rested all weekend and took some muscle relaxers the surgeon prescribed and seems to be feeling so much better!!!

Even through seeing her fears, hearing some regrets, hearing & seeing her reactions to "mourning the loss of food", even the struggle with not a constant loss of weight, I am 100% ready for my surgery!!!!

I have a November 17th dietitian class and then my final dietitian session the nutritionist has agreed to see me individually on Dec. 1st so that we can still pray for an end of December surgery date!!!

Prayers, prayers and more prayers is what I'm doing and asking of others, that god is gracious with timing so that I'm able to have surgery this year while I've met my deductible and
possibly most if not all of my out-of-pocket co-insurance as well!!!!

I'll keep everyone updated!!!!

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