Friday, October 14, 2011

Dietitians, Psychological Evaluation, & Sleep Study -- OH MY!!!!

å10/13/2011: 4 of 6 "diet-monitoring" dietitian classes - DONE!!!

Learned a lot more about the importance of protein, portion size post-op, vitamin intake, etc. I kinda was wishing this was a graded class because I would be the top student! Thanks to my best friend, Jen, I know so much about the surgery already, even the realities of the pain, etc. Seeing/hearing her daily steps after surgery (it's been a month) has shown me the reality of the surgery, the fact that I will have regrets at first, I'll loath soup after 3 weeks on it post-surgery, but also that it does ease up and the weight does come off!

The dietitian maybe weighs 95-100lbs. so it's a little hard to listen to her preach because you "I" kinda feel like she might be judging all of us, or even thinking (from her career standpoint) how on earth did these people allow themselves to get this heavy, etc. She's a total sweetheart and I want to believe she has our best interests at heart but does she really????

10/13/2011: Psych. Evaluation -- I'm not Pyscho!!!!

The oddities of this appointment feel almost ironic considering what the appointment was for. "come to my office and push the button under my name in the waiting room, we don't have anyone working the front so I will come and get you." Uhhhh, sure thing doc -- whatever you say, I'm supposed to spend 2 hours of my life proving to you that I'm sane enough for surgery, I think pushing a button and following directions is easy enough!

"sit down on the couch," I kid you not I immediately started imagining myself laying on his couch with a box of kleenex trying to tell him I have no idea why I'm obese, I don't believe there's a true underlying and monumental time in my life that occured to cause this (maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so). The talking portion of the appointment went by in about 30 minutes really smoothly, he asked me a series of questions regarding the surgery, post-op, emotions, etc. I think his job is to make sure that patients are well educated on the procedure as well as the reasons for having it. He did point out that there will be some possible psychological issues that coudl arise post-op: 1) mourning the loss of food. 2) not recognizing yourself in the mirror, possibly not being able to handle this "smaller version of yourself". 3) what the feeling of lose and excessive skin will look & feel like. All of these things have crossed my mind a multitude of times so he said nothing I wasn't aware of. He even said I got brownie points for answering "my mind" when he asked if there were any possible hurdles that might arise. He said most patients don't ever realize that the mind is truly the most powerful hurdle. We finished going through all of his questions, I paid and signed a few documents for him to release all my records and then he shows me the "next step" DUH DUH DUH...."I'm going to seat you in the waiting room while you complete 370 questions of this personality test," HA HA, I haven't taken a bubble filling-in test in I have no idea how long!!! It's all true or false but good lord 370 questions?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Thankfully, I'm a fast reader and went with my gut answer on all so it only took about an hour to complete. They asked questions that you just don't normally think about, and the order -- oh my goodness I wanted to burst out laughing but is that allowed in a quiet shrink's waiting room????

True/False: I love my Mother. I believe I am possessed. I want to be a florist. If I was a journalist I'd want to cover sporting events. I sometimes wake-up and have no idea how I got where I am. I like social events/gathering. I am not bothered by seeing an animal being hurt.

WOW!!! I can say that was intense and yet comical! He will call me probably Monday to tell me the results -- what does that mean???? I believe myself to be quite sane and grounded and have no fear that I would be "flagged" as not psychologically prepared for surgery.

Stay tuned...tonight...Sleep Study (soooo not looking forward to it!!!!)

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